On 1 March 2022, we moderated a series of sessions at the Annual Meeting of the AAG on the Digital Growth Machine. Each session yielded a number of suggested “further readings” which we collected here. As promised, here are the citations culled from the chat. Special thanks to Luis Alvarez León and Jovanna Rosen, who […]
Digital Growth Machine Sessions at the AAG
Feeding the Digital Growth Machine: Data, the city, and the urban process under digital capitalism Sponsored by the Digital Geography Specialty Group and the Urban Geography Specialty Group Organizers: Joe Gallagher (UMBC), Alicia Sabatino (UMBC), Evan Thomas (UMBC), Dillon Mahmoudi (UMBC), and John G Stehlin (UNCG) The growth machine has proven a durable concept for thinking about the capture of urban governance/policymaking by a class […]