
We made this site with ❤️ in Baltimore. This site is running WordPress, hosted on Dreamhost, using a one-click install⁠. We find that this is the easiest, most secure way to have many lab members editing the site at once. The site runs on the Genesis Open Source Framework with a number of plugins.

Some of the photos have a duotone effect which we did over at CSS Duotone Generator. We use #c11919 (revolution red) as the base image color with a “screen” blend mode and #fff7f4 (barely pink) as the background color with a “multiply” blend mode. Sometimes we use the ColorDesigner Gradient Generator for our palette. We used Photoshop and these tutorials from Spoon Graphics and TextureLabs to create the profile photos.

Most of the site uses Inter, but we also use Manrope for print material and for our logo.