
Meet the amazing people that make our lab.

Dillon Mahmoudi

Assistant Professor

Dillon Mahmoudi is an economic geographer, urban theorist, and GIS wonk. His research focuses on the city and spans technology, labor, race, gender, social reproduction, infrastructure(s), and heterodox methods. He received his PhD in Urban Studies from Portland State University where he was also a Research Associate at City Observatory.

Alicia Sabatino

Master’s Student

Alicia Sabatino is a graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in Geography at UMBC. Her Master’s research focuses on the racial-sexual geographies of incarceration in the United States. She also contributes to various research projects around cities, housing and technology using critical GIS methods.

Evan Thomas

Master’s Student

Evan is interested in digital and economic geography. He also works in UMBC’s Campus Planning department, helping the university achieve its strategic vision. 

Joe Gallagher

PhD Student

Joe is interested in digital geography, economic geography, and urban geography. He received his MS in Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Oklahoma.

Selenea Gibson

Master’s Student

Selenea is interested in air quality and environmental justice.

Grace Rigsbee

Master’s Student

Grace is interested in urban sustainability policies.

Harrison Deford

Undergraduate Student

Harrison is interested in the intersection of economic geography and wildfire geography. Unless it’s the summer, he’s currently working on dockless vehicle analysis in Baltimore. Otherwise, he can be found at Philmont Scout Ranch.